Y’all I had ZERO motivation to write a new blog post today and then read Lindsay’s Festivus grievances {hilarious} and got inspired to write this post about 17 things learned this year. Oh and these are in no particular order. PS. Did you learn anything life changing in 2017? Let me know in the comments; we all should share this wisdom!
Sharing 17 things learned in 2017; save these to tackle the new year! Click To TweetYou don’t have to have a best friend that knows your whole life, but invest your time and effort into finding people with similar values that encourage you to positively progress.
RELATED to 17 Things Learned: What About Your Friends?
Invest your time into people with similar values that encourage you! #lbloggers Click To TweetSpecial edition flavors normally are awful {anyone remember the BLT Lay’s Potato Chips? Yuck} but Oreo has it down to a science. Trust your gut and get the cookie butter.
You’re not going to change anyone’s mind by scream typing about politics on Facebook or Twitter {even if we all secretly hope we can.}
Relatedly, it’s okay to have a handful of issues that you DO feel strongly about; if you feel strongly about sharing your dissenting views with a loved one, make a coffee or phone date to calmly talk things out.
Invest in things that make your life easier; people, technology, services, etc.
RELATED to 17 Things Learned: How to Boost Your Pinterest Game & Up Blog Traffic
Don’t let getting {or not getting} a text back/follow up date change how you feel about yourself. Keep putting yourself out there and disregard all creepy messages haha.
Don’t let not getting a text back change how you feel about yourself! #datingadvice Click To TweetFinancial independence and stability are seriously underrated; you should be proud of your hard work when you pay off a credit card or loan!
The S’mores Girl Scout cookies are best when microwaved for 15 seconds; just enough to melt the marshmallow and chocolate to perfection. Also order more than one box.
The phrase “guilty pleasure” is stupid; you shouldn’t feel guilty about things you like. {Unless they’re illegal or immoral!}
Don’t be afraid to {politely} speak up about things that matter to you, even if they may make other people uncomfortable. I think we’ve really seen this with everything from the #MeToo movement, societal conversations about equality, and discussions about the wage gap.
RELATED to 17 Things Learned: Why I Blog: Does Representation Really Matter?
Set a designated “night shift” on your iPhone’s brightness settings to help remind you to get a full eight hours of sleep. Sure, you’ll probably ignore it, but it’s better for your eyes as well.
Learning to speak positively about yourself is an important skill as a young woman. If you can’t speak to your value or sell your skillset, how can you expect anyone else to?
Giving back is the ultimate display of a well-rounded person. This looks different for everyone, but be wary of people that don’t see value in things that don’t benefit them directly.
Giving back is the ultimate display of a well-rounded person. #lifestylebloggers Click To TweetIt’s 100% okay to turn down plans to stay home and read to meet your GoodReads yearly goal or binge a series on Netflix.
Know how to firmly say no. Being a yes woman isn’t going to benefit you long term or be good for your mental or physical health.
RELATED to 17 Things Learned: Setting Boundaries for Personal Growth
Having a little black dress or two {or 5…} in your closet is always a good idea.
Lastly, always keep learning new skills, pushing your personal boundaries, and trying out new experiences.

This is great, girl! I love taking this time of year as an opportunity to reflect on the year that has passed. Sounds like you’ve learned some valuable lessons – I especially love the one about surrounding yourself with people who have similar values. 🙂 All the best for the new year! x
Thank you Christie! It’s crazy to think that the year is almost over but I’m excited to see what’s in store for 2018. Hope you enjoy the holidays ❤️
These are all amazing! I LOLed at the Girl Scout cookie one – the s’mores cookie and the Samoa cookie are my favorites! I’m really trying to be better about staying off my phone at night; one of my goals in 2018 is to put down my phone an hour before bed and read a book instead!
Ooo that’s a great goal to have! I definitely want to make some monthly reading goals for myself in the new year and hopefully spend less time on my phone.
LOL at the gif you use for the phone brightness. That’s really how I feel sometimes hahaha
xx, Tomi
Omg girl there is NOTHING worse than waking up in the middle of the night to a phone on full brightness 😂😂
love this!! so many fun ways to reflect on 2017! Happy 2018!
Aha I had to laugh at the one about changing people’s political opinions via Facebook and Twitter. I know you’re 100% right but I will continue to rant and rave about the injustices of the world anyway!
Great posts, hope you have a lovely Christmas 🙂
Just gotta say, I love your outfit in the pic up top!
Love this post – so many great lessons learned this year!! I can’t kept nodding my head and wanting to say YAS with each one!
What a great post of reflections! I seriously LOVE year end blog posts and always look forward to reading them on everyone’s blogs. 🙂 (I’m writing my posts for next week!) Happy Holidays, and here’s to an amazing 2018 pretty lady!!!
xoxo A
I love these types of posts!! It’s always interesting to see what lessons everyone has taken with them throughout the year!
The Classic Brunette
YES to so many of these things! My friend turned down plans a month or so ago and when asked why, she said she really just wanted to stay home and veg on her couch. I’ve never heard anyone say that directly, but it was so refreshing. If you don’t want to do something just because, that’s okay!
Loving the memes and GIFs you paired with your advice and loved reading about what you learned! All are so true!
Haha the gifs made this even more of an entertaining read!
Beauty & Colour | Vegan Lifestyle Blog
These are all so great! I love what you said about speaking positively about yourself. I have so much trouble about this and find it hard to even accept compliments. I really want to be better about it.
Love your list! I def do the same with my phone brightness at night haha
You win! I actually laughed at every single one of these GIFs… I can seriously relate to “Blocked” and phone brightness ones. TOO funny! These are some great learnings. I hope you have the best 2018!
xo, Taylor (www.tayloramead.com)
Standing ovation for all of them. I relate so much with not wasting time and energy fussing with people on Twitter. It is too much work for no results.
Investing in things that make your life easier is so important. I will pay for anything that will reduce my stress levels.
These are all so good… and I totally agree about the LBD9s)!
I’m working on saying No more often! It’s really hard for me!
I really like your take on guilty pleasures. We should be able to like what we like! Great advice!
Love all of these tips…especially the one about red messaging. Such important things to remember.
I LOVE this so much and can relate on sssooo many levels! Love this!!
Love this list! Totally being confident with financial stability and celebrating is such a huge thing!
Celebrating’s huge and for sure something that I want to do more of! Happy 2018b
I love all of these. so great… and should you really ever order one box of any girl scout cookies? ha!
xoxo, Paige