I want to be transparent with readers when it comes to blogging so I did want to share that I recently joined an affiliate program and am using some affiliate links in blog posts. I do feel very strongly about maintaining integrity with these links so you will not see me linking “similar” items that are hundreds of dollars when I’m wearing something that’s not. When possible, I will link to the exact item — regardless of whether the retailer is available through my affiliate program or not. Similar links will continue to be within the price range that I feel is appropriate in my shopping.
If you have any questions at all about this, please feel free to email me.
You may also notice that I’ve started to link to “last seen here/last styled here” in captions. I’m a big believer in closet remixing. While I definitely love to shop, I don’t think that you have to constantly buy new items to dress well. I’m hoping having these link backs may help someone out there if they have a similar item to see various ways of styling an item.
On to more exciting things:

On my first day home from vacation the most exciting thing I did was go to Kroger to pick up fruit to make a smoothie. It felt so good to be lazy though. Reuniting with my bed has been spiritual, to say the least.

Jet lag hit me so hard this first weekend home. Spent a good chunk of my Sunday rolling around in my bed so this maxi was super comfy.
{PS. Thanks TJ Maxx for sharing this on your instagram!}

Being #funemployed over Memorial Day weekend was such a blessing. Yes, I timed out my two weeks, start of new job and vacation together #TypeAProblems. I spent too much of my weekend online shopping (still refusing to look at my bank account as I write this #adulting), sleeping and wishing I were still on vacation; taking new friend applications — must be willing to go on cruise with me.
I really wanted to wear my bluegrass tee and white jeans for Memorial Day but wanted to tie in some red. Sadly, I don’t have red shoes and I didn’t like how it looked with a red scarf so I pulled this trusty, super old {read: probably needs to make it’s way to the donate pile} plaid back out of my closet and wore it over my tee.

I hate shellac so Monday I went to a new nail salon and had them take my old shellac off, give my gross feet some post-vacation love and put on a new hot pink polish. I rarely shellac, but this one got super faded over my vacation and looked horrible by the end. Is that common?
Tackled two style challenges with this look: “chic in black and white” for wonderfully, fearfully made may hosted by @melbella14 and @lauren_modernmodesty, and “sparkling” for wear what where May by @wearwhatwhere.
I liked the way these thrifted pieces looked together so hello pattern mixing, office attire.

I love, love, love my polka dot chambray so I pulled it out to go with this mini skirt that I rescued from my donate pile. I like the pattern mixing with the tribal print and the dots and hopefully everyone that saw me did too. #MatchingIsOverrated
I did switch out of this when I went into my new job to scan in all my documents because I thought it was a little much for a first impression between the pattern mixing and mini skirt. I’m working in a clothing boutique where jeans are accepted in the dress code (hallelujah!) so I pulled out my white jeans and recreated this look, but traded the leopard print flats for my rain boots since it was thundering.

I’m really into comfortable and affordable workout gear and love Forever21’s active line. They all have a key pocket but these are my absolute favorite (that I own) because of the long side pocket that I can slip my iPhone in.
I snagged this water bottle at Five Below for $3 and love it because it has a straw attached to the lid too. Sadly, it’s not dishwasher safe, but is super cheap so replacing isn’t a biggie if it gets gross after awhile.

I wanted to wear something professional looking, but not too stuffy for my first day at my new job. I felt like the maroon blazer really classed the whole outfit up and hides the fact that this dress doesn’t have a waist at all (my least favorite thing about it). The lace detail across the shoulders and chest is feminine so I was able to stay pretty conservative with my accessories. I didn’t want a big statement necklace because I thought it would be too much and risk it getting tangled with the lace and went pretty basic for my arm party: classic spike bracelet, my Michael watch and a fun, bright beaded bracelet.

I switched my purse in the end but I really liked the way the leopard print popped against all my solids and my hot pink Kate really looks so fun. I did end up being a little overdressed compared to everyone else (oops) but felt ok about the outfit choice in the end.

I went a little (a lot) more casual for Friday. I love embellished white tees because they feel a little more dressed up to me but are simply “throw on” pieces. I stayed pretty simple and pulled out one of my tassel necklaces — I think it would look gorge with a long druzy pendant necklace like this, but I don’t own one (yet).
I didn’t feel like wearing jeans, so I pulled on my thrifted leopard print crops from Gap; I really like all the colors.
Hope your short week didn’t drag by!
xo, Nicole