Y’all, I’m so excited for it to be Friday mostly because I’ve been looking forward to hitting publish on a life update. I’ve been in a funk for awhile and finally just gave myself some much needed time to reset. Extending that little bit of grace to myself has really allowed me to get in some self reflection but also to feel recharged and EXCITED about blogging. Keep reading for the reason I’m saying ‘come on weekend,’ as well as a fun tea {or wine — no judgement zone hurr!} chat.
Come On Weekend: Summer Shopping & Life Update Click To Tweet{This post may contain affiliate and/or referral links. I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you if you make a purchase through a link in this post. Thank you for your support of What Nicole Wore.}

Come On Weekend: Summer Shopping & Life Update | Let’s Get Real
I love love love blogging; I started What Nicole Wore as a hobby and eventually it turned into a part time job and then a full time hustle. This year has been the best yet, but even with the success I’ve had it’s been easy for me to get discouraged, to have that neck craning, ‘why is XYZ having success in this aspect, what is she doing’ moment. At first, stepping back from blogging was a necessity: I was sick, I was covered in hives, and it just wasn’t happening. When I tried hopping back in I realized that I wasn’t all in. I wasn’t happy with the content I was putting out. Eventually, it got to the point where even pushing out one post a week felt like a chore. {I feel really vulnerable admitting this but hey, lets be real, right?}
If something you love starts to feel like a chore, it's time to reevaluate. Click To TweetRELATED: 4 Things I Learned About Life at Sigma Kappa Convention
I made big plans for shooting and writing before I left for Florida and ended up just scratching it altogether. I felt guilty, but it ended up being for the best. Convention helped me to recharge, I felt empowered to make changes I needed to in my personal life. I came back and it was overwhelming how much better I felt about myself, my purpose, the activities I devote my time to. Without really realizing it, I’d spent a lot of the past couple of months wondering if what I did had purpose or mattered. I’m sure most of you can relate; it’s not a good feeling to have and can be really crushing. {How many quarter life crisis’ can one person have? Asking for a friend.}
Come On Weekend: Summer Shopping & Life Update | Letting Others Dictate Your Self Worth
So what was I doing wrong? I definitely have given other people’s words and actions too much power over me and my self-worth. While this is human nature, I think sometimes I let it get a tad too far. Examples: Have you ever had a disagreement with someone you mentor? Instead of seeing it as growing pains, I’d take it personally. Something that is so natural would bother me for days; ‘does she not think I’m coming from a positive place when I make XYZ suggestion,’ ‘why does she have to question everything,’ ‘can they not see how hard I work to help.’
Don't let someone else's actions and words control your self-worth. Click To TweetRELATED: First Date Behavior + Go To Date Night Look
Another example that we’re still working on TBH: ignored texts. I’ve had the same conversation over and over with the guy I’m dating that it not just irritates me, but makes me question myself. Instead of just looking at it as a surface, “okay this person is busy” or the deeper, “this person is being disrespectful and disregarding my feelings by never getting back to me,” I’ve struggled with taking things even further to, “the things I say don’t have value.” I’ve really been working to step back and remember that someone ignoring my feelings says more about them than me. {I’m also doing a lot of soul searching on what it says that I let someone continue to do things that I’ve said bother me — stay tuned for we’re not dating men that disrespect us: 2018 edition!}
Come On Weekend: Summer Shopping & Life Update | So What Did the Recharge Do?
Honestly, I try not to read too many blogs so that I don’t end up accidentally repurposing someone else’s content. While nothing on What Nicole Wore is redefining the blogging compass, I do try and stay in my own lane and do my own thing. Around this time last year, I started focusing more efforts on the writing I did. I wanted to not just say, “hey this is a cute top, you should recreate this outfit!” but get a little more helpful when talking about your closet, personal style, how you regard yourself, blogging, etc. The response has been insane; while there are still people that are just here for the cute pictures and outfit inspiration {love y’all}, I like to think there’s a little more community between my readers and I as I’ve learned to be more open.
How to Build Community With Your Blog Readers Click To TweetRELATED: Brunch Talk: Why I’m Making this the Year of Saying No
Still even with being more candid, I’ve struggled. How much is too much? What if I say something that comes across the wrong way? If I’m super open, do some people get put off? I think if you’re trying to get everyone to like you, you’re already failing. No one can do that and there’s always going to be something you do that bothers people. Reminding myself of this has been a real journey the past few months but I’m working hard to remember that part of staying in your lane is ACTUALLY BEING IN YOUR LANE. You have to be you.
I’d longgggggg been dealing with stress over Instagram engagement. “What am I doing wrong?” “why aren’t more people watching my story?” While I don’t think I’ll ever stop playing the good ole “keeping up with the Joneses” game, I’m trying to pay more attention to the content I create that speaks to my audience. My thought is if I keep creating stuff y’all love, you’ll eventually hit me with that double tap, comment, DM, etc.
Come On Weekend: Summer Shopping & Life Update | So What’s Up This Weekend?
Heading back to Saint Louis! Really looking forward to a weekend getaway with one of my closest girlfriends. {High key looking forward to brunch.} This week flew by in the best way possible. I went out and shot new content for the first time in maybe two months. Getting back into my usual routine felt RIGHT when for so long it has been a stressful experience trying to get an outfit post shot. I’ve also just been leaning into my friends more. Questioning yourself is never fun but I think having women in your life that listen, lift you up, and cheer you on makes a whole world of difference.
Having a support system that cheers you on and lifts you up is key! Click To TweetRELATED: 4 Important Things I’ve Learned By Working For Myself
Come On Weekend: Summer Shopping & Life Update | And What’s in Your Shopping Cart?
I’m kind of odd as a style blogger in that I don’t do a ton of shopping. Honestly, there’s months where I won’t buy anything for my closet. I am very lucky to get gifted a ton of clothing, jewelry, and accessories so it can be hard to justify purchasing things that will make my closet explode any further. {No shade to any style bloggers that DO shop all the time. I typically will restyle items and don’t need more clothing.} However, I’ve gained a bit of weight since last summer and while I love wearing my Nike shorts every single day, I really needed to get some shorts that were a little cuter.
I ended up snagging some shorts on MAJOR sale from LOFT {all on sale now!} and picked up a few basic tops. I did shop early access of the Nordstrom Anniversary sale; I didn’t go crazy, just three easy to style items.
Come On Weekend: Summer Shopping & Life Update | This Week on WNW
To wrap up things up: here’s what you may have missed on the blog this week! Happy weekend, let me know in the comments what has you saying, “come on weekend!”
Is BoxyCharm Worth the Hype? Plus New Products
How to Have a Unique Bourbon Trail Experience
Best Budget Friendly Nordstrom Anniversary Sale Picks

Personally, I love it when people are more candid and real! It is definitely a struggle though. I don’t ever want to offend anyone either! And Instagram – I try to just post and have fun with it. Every now and then I’ll pay a ton of attention and then get frustrated. Not worth it!
Girl I feel ya on the Instagram comparison game!! And I haven’t started my blog (YET) but I can imagine that comparison platform isn’t any easier! Some seasons are stronger then others, and it seems like you are learning what you need to do for YOU!! And sometimes that’s the number one priority!
(a) that shirt you’re wearing in the shot in front of the yellow/ochre-colored wall is EVERYTHING. (b) I think that sinking feeling that comes with comparison is painfully common among creative people, but you’re definitely right– you’ve just got to keep at it, keep your head up, and keep slaying the game!
The social media world can be brutal – but, that’s what I love about your content. You are you and I really think it reflects in your posts!
I love this so much! I love the vulnerability. Sometimes you’ve just gotta focus on yourself and not force things. I know it makes my blog not as good when I take breaks but sometimes I just HAVE TO. If I don’t, my content isn’t going to be as good because my heart isn’t in it. It’s a struggle, but good for you for taking time for yourself!
I love love love your outfit. I love it when people are real and open on their blogs, even though I’m not (since my blog isn’t really about me). I think being on social media and a blogger definitely brings seasons of the comparison game and being discouraged. I take breaks from time to time.
I love that quote! It is my goal everyday to be as real and authentic as I can with whatever I post on social media. Thanks for sharing!
Sometimes you have to just step back from things to survive. And you often end up feeling refreshed and re-energized.
I’m glad that some time gave you an opportunity to refocus and get re energized again! Blogging is a fun hobby for me, I can’t imagine all the extra pressures that come with trying to make it a full time thing – you’re doing a great job! 🙂
Hope you are having a nice start to your week! It’s so cold here, we had the coldest day in 4 years recently!
Away From The Blue Blog