December honestly is flying by and I’m trying to wrap my head around the fact that 2020 is coming soon. With the end of the year coming in hot, you may be looking for goals or resolutions and I’m here to give you a good one. In the new year, get over the fear of looking uncool.
Please Let Go of the Fear of Looking Uncool Click To TweetThis post contains affiliate and/or referral links. If you complete a purchase through this post, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you for your support of What Nicole Wore.

Featured | Please Let Go of the Fear of Looking Uncool:
Please Let Go of the Fear of Looking Uncool | A Brief Explanation
Most of us have had times where we tried to fit in and go with the crowd. I’ve written before about constantly feeling different due to my race and my hair, but I’m not sure that I’ve ever openly discussed the lasting impact it’s had. Even though, I’m relatively comfortable in my skin now, I still worry about saying the wrong thing or standing out for the wrong reasons.
What happened when I stopped being so obsessed with looking cool: Click To TweetRELATED: 10 Snakeskin Pieces + Trend for Fall
While all of us deal with these feelings, I know there’s experiences I missed out on. When I stopped being obsessed with looking cool, I became more grounded in myself. It’s allowed me to be much more intentional and find relationships that were more meaningful.
Please Let Go of the Fear of Looking Uncool | With Content Creation
Starting my blog was a moment when I really had to push against my fear of looking uncool. And truthfully, it’s something that I consistently check myself on. The blogging world has become much more saturated and a lot of the time there’s pressure to conform. People want to have the same photo edits as others, topics are similar, etc. Being original is both hard and scary; if you’re blogging in a way that’s different from others, it can be tough to land sponsorships or pull in affiliate income. Over the past couple years, I’ve learned to be more personal in my content despite that my personal experiences sometimes make me different.
Please Let Go of the Fear of Looking Uncool | With Blogging
Not to mention: people can be nasty. I consider myself very fortunate in that I haven’t had to deal with a ton of unfair criticism, but it’s definitely something I’m hyperaware of. Any time I write about race, I find myself bracing in case someone responds dismissively, says that I’m obsessed with race, or that I’m an “angry black woman.” While I’ve been lucky in not dealing with being picked apart, it’s something I’ve witnessed happen to other blogger friends.
Why we should all stop being afraid to look uncool. Click To TweetRELATED: Things I’d Like to Never Again See on Dating Apps
At a recent blogger event, I noticed a blogger immediately flock towards a more popular blogger and avoid acknowledging others. While I’m a big believer that you don’t have to be friends with everyone, I never want to be so worried about looking cool that I avoid someone or make them feel not good enough.
Please Let Go of the Fear of Looking Uncool | The Lizzo Energy
Yesterday, I saw a clip about how Lizzo sat courtside at the Lakers game and during a quick interview said she thought one of the players was cute. Imagine having the confidence to just shoot your shot! Back in October, I saw Lizzo in concert and was blown away by the positive energy she brought. Her self confidence is inspiring but I think what I love even more about her is that she doesn’t care about what other people think. {My friend Emily wrote a really great post about this!}
Channeling that @lizzo energy for the new year Click To TweetRELATED: Why You Should Buy Clothes that Give You Confidence
After watching the video of Lizzo and thinking to myself, “yes, this is the level of confidence I want to have,” I made the mistake of…reading the comments. They were fatphobic, nasty, and more than anything else angry that Lizzo believes and loves herself. But the beautiful thing is: Lizzo doesn’t let the fear of looking uncool rule her or determine how she lives her life. Let’s all bring some Lizzo energy into 2020.
Please Let Go of the Fear of Looking Uncool | Nordstrom Giveaway
Holiday Shopping? We’ve got you covered at Nordstrom!
I’ve teamed up with a group of bloggers to give one lucky winner
a chance to win a $500 Nordstrom Gift Card!
To enter: complete the steps in the rafflecopter below. The more steps you complete,
the more entries you receive, and the better your chance at winning!
This giveaway runs until Wednesday, December 18th at 12am PST
Winner will be announced here. Good Luck!
*this giveaway is in no way sponsored by Nordstrom.
Please Let Go of the Fear of Looking Uncool | The Outfit
If you’re looking to blend in: this sequin blazer is not for you! This piece would be a great one for New Year’s Eve over a little black dress or for the holidays with a red, green, or blue dress. It’s one of the items I picked out during Evereve‘s Black Friday sale; I’m excited to show y’all the rest of what I picked up.
This sequin blazer is perfect for NYE! Click To TweetRELATED: Best Lessons My Parents Taught Me
Here I threw it on over my go to chambray shirt. J. Crew always has good closet staples; while I love their statement pieces, I know items like this top are ones that I can wear for years. If you’re local, I’m hosting a style and shopping event at J. Crew this Saturday from 1-4 PM. Stop by and we can shop for your last minute holiday party outfits and gifts. {PS. You can enter to win a $50 J. Crew gift card over on Instagram!}
HELLO! Yes to all of this!
LOVED this post!! I relate to this so much, from always looking different than my peers to struggling to find myself in the blogging world. We’re so wrapped up into what others think when at the end of the day we just need to step back and do what makes us happy.