What am I loving right now? Unexpected color combinations! This chenille sweater has been on repeat lately for me; it’s perfectly oversized and the burnt orange shade is super flattering on me. Last week, I threw it on with some turquoise statement and earrings to bring some color to the gray days.
Know what I don’t love? When I feel crazy. Keep reading to learn about three things I’ve been working on to strengthen my emotional and mental health.
How to Rock Unexpected Color & 3 Things I'm Doing To Be Less Crazy Click To Tweet{This post may contain affiliate and/or referral links. I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you if you make a purchase through a link in this post. Thank you for your support of What Nicole Wore.}

Featured | How to Rock Unexpected Color & 3 Things I’m Doing To Be Less Crazy:
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How to Rock Unexpected Color & 3 Things I’m Doing To Be Less Crazy | Recognize Overthinking
I shared on Instagram Stories {PS. This is the best way to keep up with me day to day; I’ve been making a conscious effort to use it more!}, but I’ve been reading How to Stop Worrying and Start Living for one of the classes I’m taking this quarter. It’s super interesting & I plan to reread it once I’m done to soak things in further.
One of the concepts it brings up in the beginning is thinking of life as a cargo ship with each day being an airtight container.
The thought is that you’re not able to “get out” of the container you’re in until the day is over so why not make the most of it. As a serial overthinker, this concept is easy to understand but difficult to embrace. One of the things that we did was map out how we used all of our time in a week. When I looked at the overview, it was super apparent that I was spending too many hours each day worrying about the days to come instead of taking action.
Analyze How You're Utilizing Your Time Click To TweetHave you ever analyzed how you use each hour of your day?
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How to Rock Unexpected Color & 3 Things I’m Doing To Be Less Crazy | Don’t Let Sh*t You Can’t Control, Control You
Just like worrying about tomorrow or the future will just stress you out, worrying about other people does the same. That’s not to say that time thinking of or praying for others is a waste; these are good habits to have and practice regularly! However, you can probably think of a time when you let someone have too much control over your emotions. Someone upset you at work, you had an argument with a family member over something inconsequential, a significant other irritated you. Letting that person take up space in your thoughts is giving them unnecessary power over you.
Don't let someone have power over you by worrying about them! Click To TweetHow to Rock Unexpected Color & 3 Things I’m Doing To Be Less Crazy | …But If You Have to Here’s How to Deal
Dedicate time to people, thoughts, and activities that are important to you. Go spend those extra minutes volunteering, reading, meditating, with loved ones, etc. If you’re in a situation where you can’t let something go, compartmentalizing it may be the best way to go. Journal it out, take time to meditate, or create an action plan.
Tips For Learning to Compartmentalize Click To TweetWhat’s your favorite way to get through stressful situations?
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How to Rock Unexpected Color & 3 Things I’m Doing To Be Less Crazy | Embrace Healthy Hobbies
I know there are things I enjoy that aren’t healthy – eating my feelings, isolating myself from others, not eating for long periods of time, the list goes on. It wasn’t until I got close to my mid twenties that I realized that I often used these unhealthy activities to escape how I was feeling. Over time, I’ve retrained myself to be more accepting of activities that keep me physically, emotionally, and mentally strong and happy. Saying it was easy would be inaccurate, but I’ve learned to accept that sometimes I don’t feel my best emotionally & also to understand that I still need to be able to function during these days.
Sharing my worst {and most unhealthy} habits + how I've cut down on them! Click To TweetSo what can you do when you’re stuck on something upsetting? Utilize your time working on something productive. This looks different for all of us, but some of my favorite ways to do this have been day planning, reading, cooking, writing, and blogging {#duh}. Wrapping myself up in these kinds of activities instead of something that’s more emotionally damaging has really allowed me to stop channeling my energy and time towards things that don’t better me or don’t matter long term.
The Importance of Healthy Hobbies Click To TweetWhat healthy habits do you embrace?
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How to Rock Unexpected Color & 3 Things I’m Doing To Be Less Crazy | The Outfit
As mentioned, this sweater gets two praise hand emojis from me. The scallop hem is a cute and feminine touch, while the softness and oversized factor is comfortable enough to snuggle up on the couch in. Turquoise is one of my favorite accent colors; I love how bold it looks against other colors. While this sweater stands out with the orange, I went with skinny black jeans and taupe over the knee boots. This really helps the turquoise to make a statement and draw the eye.
Continuing with the unexpected colors, I went with a BOLD lip. This unexpected color combination looks great with a nude or soft pink lip, but instead I reached for a hot pink that borders on purple. The lip color really draws attention to my smile, which I regularly get told is one of my best features. {I’m not convinced, but everyone continues to say this so!}
What unusual or unexpected color combination is your favorite right now?

Love the outfit idea! That sweater is so cute!
Yes, agree that this is a great color combo! Really like the earrings with this. Being “crazy”, isa thing for me, too. I get it. Although, the concept you explained from the book is an interesting way to look at it.
I went through a really rough period emotionally with work and personal things (bleh homesickness) around the holidays this year, and I’ve been working really hard to get past that in January and now February! I’ve been doing some of the things you are- I like the mindset that we only have so many hours in a day, so why not try and make them happy and productive ones if you can’t change some things about your life situation?
xoxo A
Gorgeous colors! I love the necklace. So pretty and the color is just beautiful. These are great tips! Yes the day to day stresses can sometimes get overwhelming. I have different hobbies that I rotate doing if I am starting to feel stressed. Reading helps a lot. Working out too. I do some scrapbooking and once I get started my mind can be elsewhere. Or I go outside and get some fresh air. It helps clear the mind and bring in positivity. I hope your week is going well so far.
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com
this outfit looks so good on you! i love how you’re rocking color <3 i wish i could rock all those colors and make it work like you do haha
Such a cute outfit – the color of that sweater is so pretty! And so important to find what works for you to help reduce stress. Hobbies definitely help!
What a cute sweater! Also yes to all of these. I need to get better about not letting things I can’t control, control me. Easier said than done sometimes haha.
I agree with the compartmentalizing. Although I’ll admit it’s quite difficult to keep something contained when it keeps happening over and over again.
Your outfit is adorable! I love the combination of orange and turquoise! And I love your tips for reducing stress in your life and making it seem more manageable.
Your accessories are so cute! love it!
Love this color combo! I’ve pretty much worn it head to toe before and currently have an outfit in these colors on the blog now.
Great tips! It’s important to confront your unhealthy habits and work on them!
Also, this outfit is so cute – your necklace is pretty!
Your bold lip is giving me life. And I LOVE the color combo! So inspiring. I like your analogy about the cargo ship. Sometime I focus too much on the next thing on my list that I’m not fully present in my moment. Slowing down and dedicating more time to people is such good advice.
Also as a side note: I hope you’ll add this fabulous look to my Monday linkup!
My healthy habit is making all my meals as well as getting 8 hours of sleep a night! So crucial for me!
my #1 go-to to relieve stress is a day of self love and care. I take myself out on a date, whether it’s to the mall, my favorite restaurant, barnes & noble, nail salon. I’ve even gone to local museums. the alone time w/ myself doing or seeing things I love is the perfect cure for stress. x, nicole // http://www.nicoleeigh.com
Love all the colors! They all compliment each other well! I’ve been trying to incorporate more into my life, but unfortunately, I become too wrapped up in what others might think. Definitely, something I’m working on getting past!
I am loving this pop of green blue! So pretty!
Love these colors on you! I personally love the cargo idea, my mother in law should read this haha. I tend to schedule time to worry or be crazy about something.. and then i move on.