Do you choose a word of the year? The past three years I’ve picked a word that ties into some of what I’m working on for the year. This year as I was thinking about goals for the year, the word that came to my mind was…less.
2020 Word of the Year & What I'm Working On Click To TweetIt seems counterintuitive at first, but this year I want to be able to laser focus my attention on what matters and let those things that aren’t a priority go.
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Featured | 2020 Word of the Year & What I’m Working On:
2020 Word of the Year & What I’m Working On | Things I Want Less Of
So what are some of the things I want less of? Well:
- Credit Card Debt! // I was SO good about paying off my credit card every month…until I wasn’t. Credit card debt can be rough and I’m lucky to not be deep in a hole, so I want to take care of it this year to give myself some peace of mind.
- Spending. // Part of knocking out my debt is…cutting back on discretionary spending.
- Car Repairs *crosses fingers* // My sweet car is thirteen years old and while it’s been so reliable, it’s starting to require more and more repairs. One of my goals for this year is to spend less on car repairs…because I hope to purchase a new car!
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I also want to focus on less negative self-talk, less flexibility regarding my standards {I’m pretty good about this with my friendships, but not as good about it when it comes to dating}, and less recreational time spent on social media.
2020 Word of the Year & What I’m Working On | A Focus on Less for My Own Mental Health
While all of these things will help my overall mental health, I’m focusing on retraining myself with the last three. Negative self-talk is a HUGE struggle for me and has been for years. While I’ve gotten better about not vocalizing my judgement towards others, I’m not so great about doing that for myself. This year, I want to work on spending way less time on social media. This is a bit tough as it’s quite literally a part of my job, so I’m focusing on cutting back my recreational social media time. Even with as much time as I spend on social media during the day, I find myself mindlessly scrolling more than I’d like to admit.
My personal goals for this year! Click To TweetRELATED: Please Let Go of the Fear of Looking Uncool
2020 Word of the Year & What I’m Working On | What I’m Manifesting More Of
Lots of things I want to do less of, but what about more? Definitely more adulting with plans of more savings and more big purchases versus less wasteful spending. I raised my Goodreads challenge this year and hope that less personal time on social media can lead to more reading. A big thing I want to work on is spending more time focusing on what’s important to me and being intentional in spending my time and energy on that. While I love blogging, I do sometimes find myself getting caught up in what everyone else is doing. Going into year five of blogging, I want to stay focused on my personal purpose for blogging and create content that I love and am proud of.
What I'm manifesting into my life: Click To TweetRELATED: 5 Goals You Should Have for the New Year
Other things I want to see more of this year:
- More water consumption // One of my goals for this year was to drink at least 40 ounces of water every day. I’ve been really good about it this month and hope getting in the routine helps the habit stick.
- More nonfiction reading // Romance novels are my personal favorite, but this year I’m trying to find some balance and also do a significant amount of reading that helps me learn.
- More writing // While I love sharing outfits, writing really is something I find therapeutic and enjoy. This year I want to push myself to do more of that in this space.
Let me know in the comments below what you’d like to do more and less of this year.
2020 Word of the Year & What I’m Working On | The Outfit
Another thing I’m trying to add more of? Color! Especially in the winter months, I try to wear as many colorful pieces as I can. It’s one of those little things that brightens my mood. When I saw this sweater in the sale section at Evereve, I decided to snag it because the price was right and I figured it would be a fun piece to wear into spring. The lilac and red is not a color combo I’d think of myself which makes it fun and I think it’s a great piece going into Valentine’s Day season. This look definitely would work for a brunch with your Galentines.
This year my phrase is “by any means necessary”. I am doing contract work with a big tech company and I am hoping to get a fulltime role. So I am putting myself out there to managers and it is scary. But I am doing it!
I feel you so hard on the less personal time on social media. I am going to have to start setting limits somehow. It’s difficult when you have to bounce from thing to thing with work, but I know balance can be achieved! And new car?! I call shotgun on the first road trip.
Same with water and reading!!! Also trying to knock out debt. Jesus take the wheel.